Fall Content



Monsters like Spooky Season, too! You can find zombies, zombie villagers, witches, skeletons, creepers, and even spiders all festively dressed for the occasion!

Trick-or-Treat Bags

Each mob that is wearing a costume (except spiders) can drop a trick-or-treat bag. You'll find small treats (and tricks) inside!


This works like a goat horn. Use it to annoy or scare your friends!
Music Disc: We can't forget spooky tunes to go along with the season! Find the Halloween music disc inside various dungeon chests.

Aged Wood

Cut down a Pine tree, and let the logs sit out until they weather and rot. Then use them to build spooky houses! (Note: this feature is only for 1.19 and up) To stop the wood from aging, you can make some Sunflower Oil using a Sunflower and a glass bottle. Click on the wood with the Oil and it will stop the aging process. Just remember that this change is permanent--you can't un-oil wood! :

Spooky Fence

It's a black pointed wrought iron fence, complete with a skull on the gate. And the gate even has a creepy squeak when opened. It's perfect for graveyards or keeping mobs at bay.


These can be found randomly throughout the world, above ground. You can break them and take them home...but be careful. They could be haunted...er, they are probably haunted...yep, most definitely haunted.

Mantel Decorations

A Haunted House and some picture frames that spell out "BOO" are just what the Witch Doctor ordered for your spooky fireplace!


Candy Apples, Apple Cider, Pumpkin Bread, Caramel Popcorn, and Candy Corn all await you in this update. Try them all!


Place some corn on a campfire and watch it pop!

Halloween Advancements

  • Trick or Treat!
  • I See Dead People
  • Frightfully Fashionable
  • Give Me Something Good to Eat!
  • Make Some Noise

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